world is full of willing people, some willing to work, the rest
willing to let them." -Robert Frost
takes more time then hard work to be successful. It takes "working
smart" - developing efficiency and effectiveness on the job.
Here are some practical tips toward that end.
Use your time in pursuit of goals
always have time enough, if we will but use it aright."-Johann
Wolfgang Von Goethe.
every task with clearly-defined goals. Then use these goals as standards
for measuring your progress. Be specific: use dates, numbers, and
qualitative measures so you can note not merely when you've done
something, but how well. Break large tasks into smaller tasks to
make them more manageable and easier to monitor. Handle the tough
tasks first or when you're at you're at your best. Consult with
your boss and clients to be sure you agree on goals. Then plot these
goals, objectives, and related tasks on paper to make them tangible,
clear, and do-able. Set deadlines you can commit to.
example, you might set a goal of making $20 thousand in gross revenue
for your sales efforts this month. Statistically, you've learned
that it takes an average of 100 business development calls to secure
an order for your $5 thousand service. Quick math tells you that
you'll have to make around 400 calls to reach your final objective.
This translates to 100 calls per week, 20 calls per day. Now you
have a tangible, measurable daily goal, and you know the behavior
necessary to reach your monthly objective. Make sure to hold yourself
you work, remain open to new and better ideas. Ask your boss and
your mentor for advice on the best way to accomplish your tasks.
For example, tell your boss: "I want to become good at managing
people. How am I doing now? What do you think I need to do to improve
my performance?" You may need to assert yourself to get the
necessary feedback, but you must know at every opportunity how you
are doing and where you stand.
plan out your day the night before when tomorrow's goals are fresh
in your mind. Plan your work - then work your plan! David Campbell
has written a great book on goal setting: If you don't know where
you're going, you'll probably end up somewhere else; Argus Communications,
Do what's important
are funny little things; they won't work unless you do."
between tasks that are merely urgent and those actually important
to your career. It may seem urgent, say, to get more staples, because
you have just inserted the last few into your stapler. But it's
not as important as finishing that major report sue tomorrow, even
if you have to borrow a stapler to finish it! Give priority to important
tasks. Work in urgent tasks around the important ones, and delegate
them when you can. You are not uniquely qualified to get more staples,
for example - anyone can do it for you.
your difficult projects early to get them out of the way. Otherwise,
they'll weigh on your mind and reduce your efficiency in doing other
tasks. Schedule important tasks that require high energy for those
periods when you are at your best - typically the mornings.
Build perseverance with purpose
never, never give up." -Winston Churchill
often the only characteristic that separates those who succeed from
the rest is perseverance. Victory is often won by those who can
hang in there the longest, steadily inching their way to success.
is not an end but a process; developing the self-discipline to get
up every day, day in and day out, hurdle after hurdle, one foot
after another, until you've accomplished what you set out to accomplish.
develop perseverance, you should identify a purpose greater than
the trials and frustrations encountered along the road to success.
A friend of mine had a goal to be the Vice President of Operations
for a mid-sized general contractor by the time he was thirty years
old. I can remember him reading everything he could get his hands
on about the responsibilities, skills, and accomplishments needed
to qualify for such a position. He took night classes to advance
his education in negotiating contracts, learned as much as he could
in both estimating and project management, and worked the financial
department of his company on the weekends to learn construction
finance. He reached hi goal, but endured many setbacks. What impressed
me was his unflagging commitment to fulfill his purpose.
hung symbols of his purpose on his bathroom mirror, car sun-visor,
and office wall so that he couldn't forget the reason he worked
so hard. These quotes and images carried him through the tough times,
and I'm certain if he had not continually reinforced his commitment
with daily reminders, he could not have paid the price of success
for the full eight years.
Schedule your commitments; commit to your schedule
never lost a game, time just ran out."
is the most limited resource in your career. Ultimately, you may
succeed in doubling your salary and raising your departmental budget.
But you will never raise the number of hours you are allotted each
day. Therefore, you must manage this fixed resource wisely by getting
the most done in the least possible time. This requires good planning,
scheduling and self-discipline.
makes an excellent series of personal calendar/organizers. Other
manufacturers make similar systems, and most give you a choice of
page formats, ranging from "week-at-a-glance" to those
devoting an entire page or two to one day, broken into half-hour
or fifteen-minute segments. Reflection and experience will guide
you to the format best for you. The important thing is to get a
personal scheduling notebook, and use it. Two excellent books on
scheduling are The Time Trap by R. Alec Mackenzie; McGraw
Hill, NY, 1972, and How to Get Control of Your Time and Your
Life by Alan Lakein; The New American Library, NY, 1973.
Mentors: your sponsors to career success
judgment comes from experience, and experience comes from poor judgment."
the many choices you must make throughout your career, it is imperative
to surround yourself with wise counsel. Most executives speak to
have attributed their success, especially in the early stages, to
mentors. Mentors can be found in every industry, and they generally
enjoy giving their wealth of experience for the benefit of an ambitious,
appreciative student. Try to cultivate a mentor within your present
company, as well as one who can share an industry-wide perspective,
for each level of your career advancement.
locate a good mentor, start with the job incumbents who helped you
develop your long-term career plan. You might also contact your
local S.C.O.R.E. (Service Core Of Retired Executives) for a retired
pro. Your mentor should be your own personal counselor, teacher,
and guide, so search your field to find the best.
Manage paper - don't just shuffle it
the number of times you handle a piece of paper. A business consultant
devised a clever phrase to help you handle paperwork efficiently.
is T-R-A-F - TRAF. It stands for:
it in the trash.
to someone who can do the job at least 70% as well as you can.
on important matters immediately
for future reference or attention
one of these with each incoming piece of paper, and you won't waste
time shuffling through stacks of paper again and again. And again.
Find a working retreat
needs a retreat - a place of refuge - to do concentrated work without
interruption. Your personal retreat might be a private office or
an unoccupied office somewhere in your building - preferably with
a non-working phone! It might be a hotel room, a desk at the library,
or even a roomy closet or the boiler room. Whatever place you choose,
use it to concentrate and achieve results. Develop the habit of
using a working retreat by incorporating such time into your regular
schedule. You may find this time to be your most productive, and
also your most pleasurable.
Keep face-to-face in its proper place
drop-in visitors by keeping your door shut when you're working on
a project. Resolve issues standing up in the hall rather than seated
comfortably in your office. If you must meet with someone, try to
do it in their office. It is less offensive to leave someone else's
office, when you must, than to eject someone else from your office.
developing your work schedule, include daily time to cultivate and
maintain business relationships. By giving your peers, subordinates,
and boss high-quality, focused attention - even if it's necessarily
brief - you won't alienate them by sticking to the rest of your
work schedule.
speaking, it's wise to explain your schedule to others so that they
can respect it, and assist you in adhering to it. As long as your
associates feel that you'd rather attend to them, they'll support
you in sticking to your tasks. This may mean finding time before
and after work to socialize with your colleagues. It's time well-spent.
can help you accomplish your work when they're motivated by respect
and affection. You might welcome others in for conversation while
you're doing simple tasks such as sticking labels on mailers. Who
knows - they might even offer to help.
Keep meetings productive - and keep them to a minimum
meetings are a necessary fact of organizational life, things are
discussed rather than accomplished during meeting time. Consequently,
the time you spend in meetings seldom advances your career. Send
delegates or substitutes to meetings when possible. Use conference
calls often. Many meetings should not occur at all, but when you
must hold meetings, establish a clear agenda and set a time limit.
Keep the meeting as small as practical, and schedule near lunch
or the end of the day to assure a prompt, natural ending time. By
showing up for your meetings on time, you let others know that you
deliver what you promise - yourself in this case.
less motivated than you may use meetings as a mini-vacation from
their real work. Don't you be their travel agent! Michael Doyle
and David Strauss have written an excellent book on the subject
entitled How to Make Meetings Work; The Berkeley Publishing
Group, NY, 1976.
Dictate - and supercharge your output
speaking is more natural than writing, you can often quadruple the
quantity of your correspondence by using a dictation recorder. With
a recorder, you can concentrate on your message and not worry so
much about the mechanics of expressing your thoughts.
is also faster and better than written note-taking in many situations.
In the car, for example, you can dictate while you drive. If you
have avoided tape recorders, overcome your "dictaphobia."
Take note, however, that dictation is not just oral rambling. It's
highly focused speech - a learned skill which can also improve the
quality of your thinking. See Jefferson Bates's book on this subject:
Dictating Effectively; Acropolis Books, Washington, DC, 1986.
Delegate early and often
amazing how much you can accomplish if you don't mind who gets the
well means assigning appropriate tasks to others, motivating them
to do well, and rewarding them for good performance. Good delegation
permits you to accomplish more than you could alone. Yet you'll
still get the lion's share of the credit. Here are some guidelines
for delegation:
Give yourself the important tasks.
task might be important to you because it is sensitive, critical,
difficult, visible, or requires knowledge or expertise that you
alone possess. Out of enlightened self-interest, you should perform
such tasks yourself.
all other tasks to your support staff. Delegate work to people whose
skills are sufficient, even though you may be able to do the work
better or faster. It's been said that if someone else can do your
task 80% as well as you can, then the task should be delegated.
Whatever your time is worth, doesn't it pay to have those who earn
less do all that they can to free you to make every working minute
more profitable? You're responsible for developing other people's
skills and talents as well as your own.
clear deadlines. Give your staff leeway - then reward good performance
and good ideas.
Develop a competent, trustworthy support staff.
how you want work done in your office, and let your staff know.
Educate them in the latest technical skills and efficiency methods.
a supportive atmosphere for staff and have faith in their skills.
Allow them to come to you with questions. Monitor their work periodically
and provide regular feedback, but allow them to function without
you constantly looking over their shoulders. Be anxious to give
praise and reluctant to find fault. Recognize not just your top
producers, but the honest efforts of every staff member. People
who feel good about themselves produce good results.
on objectives, not problems. Admit when you have made mistakes,
and graciously accept the responsibility. Never blame others for
your own mistakes. They'll zap you back if you do!
good reason to delegate and train your subordinates is to develop
promotability without crippling your department. It's easier to
rise to the top when you've built a solid foundation of support
staff from which you can rise. Lawrence Steinmetz has written a
noteworthy book entitled The Art and Skill of Delegation:
Addison-Wesley, MA, 1976
Make sure your message comes across
people count on what I say."
communication means letting others know, at all stages of a project,
how you feel about what is being done. Create a feedback system
that lets you know how things are progressing and how others feel.
Confront problems and deal with them as they arise. Observing the
following suggestions will help you foster good communication.
Keep it simple.
on communication that is simple and straightforward. This will minimize
the times people say, "I thought you meant..." after doing
a task incorrectly. Expand your vocabulary to allow you to communicate
with different audiences, being particularly wary of using jargon
with people who need an explanation in layman's terms.
Be brief and clear.
can weaken the impact of your message and confuse the points you
want to make. Verify that your message is clear. Ask listeners to
explain your instructions in their own words.
grammar and an above-average vocabulary are essentials to career
advancement. Avoid qualifiers, off-color language, and slang.
Listen attentively without interrupting.
communicating what you want understood, ask for feedback to assure
understanding. Give others the opportunity to react verbally to
your communication. It is estimated that 90% of a speaker's message
is communicated non-verbally through tone of voice and body language.
Learn to ask questions and repeat what is
clothes - give yourself the appreciation you need. Above all maintain
a healthy and satisfying private life, so that when your hard efforts
at work go unnoticed, you will not be set back.
You can't get to the top on 40 hours a week
all is said and done, there is always a lot more said than done."
-Alfred Newman
today"s marketplace, global competition is tougher than ever
before. Consequently, long hours and heavy workloads are becoming
the norm for career advancement.
the habit of hard work and the ability to be single-minded. Recognize
that it takes 40 hours a week just to keep the competition in sight.
Only after that does the race to the top begin. Hard work has always
been a common denominator in success, especially in the early stages
of one's career. The will to succeed and the stamina to hang in
there when everyone else goes home makes the difference in many
successful careers.
successful achievers will deny the fact that success takes long
hours. I can seldom schedule an appointment with the more successful
people I know unless I'm prepared to meet them after hours or on
weekends. Attempting to meet them during normal working hours is
all but impossible.
is a demanding way to live, beyond question. But there is also little
question at the end of the week as to who gained the most. And those
hard-working winners are the people with whom other winners want
to do business.
Are you a profit center?
Mackay, the envelope magnate and noted business raconteur, suggests
you ask yourself whether your bringing in more money than it costs
to keep you around. Seek to improve your value to your employer
by continually developing yourself and your job. Don't wait to be
trained; train yourself. Use your job description as a mere baseline
of responsibility and look for ways to extend your authority, influence,
and power.
let yourself be part of organizational fat, unless you're prepared
to be trimmed. In fact, with the prevalence of acquisitions, mergers,
and takeovers today, none of us know when some event or circumstance
will force unnecessary employees out of their jobs. The only security
we have, therefore, is the acknowledged profit we contribute to
our business or firm.
What you (fore)see is what you get
are never to cross a bridge until we come to it, but this world
is owned by men who have crossed bridges in their imagination far
ahead of the crowd." -Speakers Library
Einstein said that "imagination is more important than knowledge."
Napoleon Hill said "Anything that your mind can conceive and
believe, you can achieve." Indeed, the most valuable time a
person can spend is in thinking; encourage it in your people and
in yourself.
advantage of the times you are driving, on a plane, at a doctor's
office, or before being served your meal in a restaurant to exercise
your imagination and draw on its limitless bank of ideas. Keep a
paper and pen handy for such occasions. It's been said that nothing
happens until somebody has an idea. And as Victor Hugo observed,
"No army can withstand the strength of an idea whose time has
DeVore speaks of "an almost universal trait" among Super
Achievers. "It's what I call Sensory Goal Vision. These people
knew what they wanted out of life, and they could sense it multidimensionally
before they ever had it. They could not only see it, but also taste
it, smell it, and imagine the sounds and emotions associated with
it. They lived it before they had it. And that sharp, sensory vision
became a powerful driving force in their lives."
humorous book on becoming more innovative is A Whack on the Side
of the Head by Roger Von Oech; Warner Books.
Show grace under pressure
some attempts, it is glorious even to fail." -Longinus
maximum career advancement means taking risks - and accepting the
consequences gracefully.
of your risks won't lead to immediate success. Some of your goals
prove unattainable. Try to learn from your mistakes. After countless
experiments and refinements, Thomas Edison created the first practical
electric light bulb. When asked how he did it, Edison replied, "I
ran out of mistakes to make."
occur with every career. When they happen to you, be sure not to
view or label yourself as a failure. View each failure as a learning
experience which can help you prevent future mistakes. Learn to
hear the difference between "I failed at such-and-such"
and "I am a failure." Be kind to yourself in adversity.
Most great people take chances and fail. They later go on to achieve
success by separating their failures from their own sense of worth.
one success can outweigh 100 failures. The way you handle mistakes
can make you a respected leader. If you stay cool and effective
in the face of adversity, you will invite support, and gain the
confidence of others.
Will you please make a decision?
problem can stand the assault of sustained thinking."�Voltaire
be times in your career that you'll be pressed to make a snap decision.
Sometimes the risk in not making a decision is greater than making
a wrong decision.
definition, leaders are decisive. Whether you believe leaders are
born or made, you can teach yourself to be decisive. The trick is
to start small. Practice making small, low-risk decisions more quickly.
Accept all possible outcomes, good and bad, before you commit to
the decision, and then live with the outcome. As these decisions
work out, you'll develop greater confidence to "go with your
been estimated that 80 percent of all business decisions should
be made on the spot, 15 percent need time to mature, and 5 percent
need not be made at all. Most decisions are not only adjustable,
but revocable. You will rarely have all the information you might
like to make a decision. Get used to this shortfall! Remember, it
is often more important to be decisive than right. John Arnold has
written a book entitled The Art of Decision Making; Amacom, NY,
1978, which I've found very helpful.
Salesmanship is key in every field
believe that you can get everything in life you want if you will
just help enough other people get what they want."-Zig Ziglar
lives by selling something." -Robert Louis Stevenson
a person tells you, 'I'll think it over and let you know''-you know."-Alan
business, nothing happens without a sale. Whether we like it or
not, we are always selling ourselves, our ideas, attitudes, beliefs,
services, and products.
is therefore an integral part of career advancement. Everyone ought
to take at least one good course in basic salesmanship and the art
of persuasion. In Appendix III, I refer to several good teachers
in this field - people like Brian Tracy, Zig Ziglar, Tom Hopkins,
and their peers.
is also an excellent career path to the top. In his popular book
The Success Profile, Lester Korn tells us that the field of sales
and marketing is viewed as the fastest route to the top of the corporate
ladder in the 1990's. I agree.
does not have to be a complicated or daunting process. Selling is
nothing more than helping people get what they want. People will
buy only if they can see the benefit to them and believe that it
outweighs the cost involved. Your sales job, then, is to identify
a prospect's needs and show him or her a beneficial way to meet
those needs. This kind of selling is non-manipulative. It requires
common sense rather than dazzling powers of persuasion. As F.W.
Woolworth once brilliantly put it, "I am the worst salesman,
therefore I must make it easy for people to buy."
is not as complicated as some people believe and generally involves
five basic steps:
- Develop rapport,
credibility, and trust with your prospect. We all prefer to do
business with people we like and believe.
- Ask questions
that help identify your prospect's needs.
- Explain the
benefits of your product, service, or idea in light of your prospect's
needs. (Of course, it is important to substantiate your claims.)
- Encourage
your prospect to affirm his or her needs and the fact that your
offering satisfies these needs.
- Ask for a
decision to act, and close the sale.
Build your body and spirit to go wherever your dreams take you
the things I like to do are either immoral, illegal, or fattening."
-Alexander Woolcott
healthy body and a rewarding personal life are keys to maximum career
advancement. Fitness gives you the energy to apply your efforts
to their fullest. Personal satisfaction - spiritual commitment,
warm relationships, energizing interests, and hope in the future
- gives you balance. When your personal life is in order, you needn't
look to your job for more satisfaction and meaning than it can be
expected to provide.
you spend quality time with family and friends, you can better persevere
through the drudgery, uncertainty, and self-denial that even the
most dynamic careers involve. Your faith, family, and friends are
your emotional lifeline. Enlist their support in your success. Let
them know when you are under stress rather than bottling up your
feelings and making them guess what's on your mind. You and your
loved ones will benefit from your openness.
all, keep your life in perspective. Career advancement is an important
and serious undertaking, but it's no excuse for losing your sense
of humor. Learn to laugh at yourself and relish the unpredictability
and absurdity of life. When things appear hopeless, try to look
at things in a humorous way. Think of how you'll tell the story
ten years down the road. This will help relieve your tension so
you can get back to solving problems and achieving your career goals.
though most of your work may seem purely mental, a fit body is one
of your best allies for success. When you're fit, you have greater
stamina, vigor, and self-confidence. You can rise to emergencies
and put in long hours on occasion. And when you're fit, you improve
the odds that you will enjoy the long-term rewards of your success
in good health. What's more, you project a vibrancy and self- respect
that attracts others.
your physician for a complete physical, and develop a regular exercise
program. Then follow it! Home exercise equipment that gathers dust
does you no good.
a nutritious diet supplemented with high quality vitamins and minerals.
Try to average at least seven hours of sleep per night. Good nutrition
and adequate rest are essential to sharp thinking and to handling
heavy work pressure. (If I sound like your mother did when you were
in grade school, it's only because she was right all along.)
work and travel pose real temptations to stray from a healthful
diet. At restaurants, extravagant menu descriptions may tempt you
to order cholesterol-drenched dishes that a caring spouse would
discourage you from eating at home. And when you work long or irregular
hours, you may be prone to buy junk food from vending machines just
to keep yourself going.
planning goes a long way here. On the road, develop your own personal
menu of dishes that will be satisfying yet healthful - seafood,
pasta, and poultry, for example, instead of red meat smothered in
cream sauce. Get in the habit of ordering these, and save the belly-busters
for truly special occasions. As to the lure of junk food, bring
fruits and nuts from home instead. In fact, in doesn't hurt to have
an emergency supply of non-perishable foods in your office: dry
or canned soups, crackers, dried fruit and the like. Then, you'll
never have to choose between quitting sooner than you'd like or
eating something that will come back up to haunt you.
health and budgetary reasons, you might also be wise to consider
bringing lunch from home part of the time. Bringing lunch from home
has lost its stigma as penny-pinching. With refrigerators becoming
standard workplace appliances, bringing leftovers in for lunch makes
delicious, efficient good sense. It's not wise to brown-bag it every
single day, however. Unless you bring in enough food for everyone,
you'll lose too many opportunities for productive socializing.
exercise and a healthful diet will let you use your body and mind
with maximum efficiency. It's one more facet of "working smart".
The previous information is written and copyrighted by Frederick C. Hornberger, Jr., president of Hornberger Management Company, a national board and executive search firm specializing in the construction industry. This information is provided for personal use only. It may not be copied, printed or distributed to anyone other than you the reader, for any reason without permission from the author. Contact the author at address One Commerce Center, #747, Wilmington, Delaware 19801, phone 302-573-2541, email [email protected], or through the company web site at